Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Love Can Kill by Anneka VangKhang

Name: Anneka VangKhang
Story Title : Love Can Kill
Story URL:
Reviewer: Julianna

Title: 5/5
The title surely fits your story, and it's attractive enough to lure readers in.

Poster/Background: 4/10
You don't have a poster. And the background doesn't really connect to the story. It doesn't create the right mood. Although they said "don't judge the book by its cover", sometimes the cover makes you want to read the book! So please pay more attention to this area next time!

Forewords: 2/5
You don't have a proper forewords. With just character profiles, it's not a forewords. You should write something like a summary introducing your characters. Or may be a short except from your story.

Plot: 10/15
The plot is ok. But it goes quite fast, and doesn't provoke much emotions although it's a sad story. I understand it's a one-shot, still, you can make it one-shot and put enough details in.

Flow: 7/10
As I said above, it goes quite fast. I feel like you rushed through the story.

Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 10/10
I found nothing against you in this criteria!

Characterization: 6/10
You did a good job describing the characters and their personalities. Still, I feel like you can add more to it to make the story more emotional and make the readers feel closer to your characters and can sympathize with them more.

Originality: 7/10
This story is not really original. A guy dump a girl for another one who is obviously a *w*itch.

Writing style: 4/5
Your writing style is OK.

Overall enjoyment: 5/10
I can't say I enjoyed reading this story as much as I would love to. Don't let this discourage you though. Keep practicing and you will be great!

Overall score: 60/100

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