Thursday, 1 October 2009

Opposite Attracts by *~ 微琳公主--光之格格 ~*

Name: *~ 微琳公主--光之格格 ~*
Story Title : Opposite Attracts
Story URL:
Reviewer: jyyms

Title: 4/5

The title suits the story pretty well up to this point but since the story is still not finished, there isn’t a strong connection between the title and the plot.
Poster/Background: 7/10

The poster is nice with all the main characters and is cute. But the background was a big ‘no no’. The red color suits the mood of the story but the big white text at the back makes it hard for the reader to read since the font color is also white. I suggest you change the font color to something that contrasts with the background in the future.
Forewords: 4/5

The forewords is very informative. You had description of a lot of characters and this might bore the reader. Other than that, it is perfect.
Plot: 10/15

The plot is almost exactly like the Taiwanese Drama as much as I can recall. Shaoxi and Ruixi going to an all-boys school is the same plot of the drama. I feel that your story is not original at all. But you had the vampires and werewolves that went along with the story. This is the only point that made it different from the real drama. I suggest you think of a more original plot than this. I know you can do this!
Flow: 8/10

Your flow is good. But there were times where you went a bit too slow with some of the events. For example, the ‘first day of school’ chapters were very long. If the flow in these chapters were faster, it bring make the story more lively. Other than that, your flow is quite good.
Spelling/Grammer/Vocabulary: 10/15

I don’t know what to say about this because you wrote it in both English and Chinese. There were a number of English spelling mistakes. Your grammar was good and steady. But there were some parts where you mixed up the tenses up.

‘Choked’ and not ‘Chocked’

Characterization: 10/10

You had a lot of characterization in the story. You did a really good job on this. The characters were fully described and are quite round.
Orginality: 5/10

You get 5 marks for the vampire and werewolf addition to your story. It enhanced the plot into a more interesting story. But the girl to boy school idea is very unoriginal. Sorry for that.
Writing style: 7/10

The writing style seems different from the Chinese to the English transition. In English, you write it with a pretty good flow. But when the scenes include Chinese, the writing seems choppy. And it seems like two person wrote this story. The events that happen in America were written very well while the ones in Taiwan were not as good. The switch from Chinese to English made it confusing too. I suggest you write in one language at a time.
Overall enjoyment: 3/10

I’m sorry but I did not enjoy your story. It was like another version of the drama. And the flow was slow, so there wasn’t much excitement in the story.

Overall score: 68/100

Great job! And please take this review as an advice for your future stories! You can do better next time! ^^

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